Serial Ircap

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Datos: User Name: DJ Weasel Serial: 7316-675847. And comorbidities of oppositional defiant disorder: the National Epidemiology of Iranian Child and Adolescent Psychiatric disorders (IRCAP).

ESP8266 (ESP-12) for $4 as WiFi JTAG adapter.This could be the simplest, the cheapest and the slowest JTAG adapter.This WIFI-JTAG needs openocd to work, but I also offer a standaloneLibXSVF-ESP JTAG.

Note: Some time has passed so dependencies changedboth at ESP8266 TCP stack and openocd, so this project mightnot work out of the box (as it did before :-). Radpower radwagon review.

Here's arduino code for ESP8266 which listens to TCP port 3335and talks remote_bitbang protocol with OpenOCD over WiFiand usb-serial port version of the same, for use with any arduino (without WiFi).

It can upload SVF bistream over WiFi network to the FPGA.more on

Tested and working on FPGA boards TB276 (Altera Cyclone-4) and TB299 (Xilinx Spartan-6)

OpenOCD log of remote_bitbang JTAG adapter made withArduino ESP8266.

What works for one FPGA, doesn't neccessary work for the other.For example, it didn't work for Lattice ECP3 LFE3-150EA.

By simply pressing ENTER in telnet session Wifi-jtag will enter tcp-serial bridge mode,thus allowing remote serial communication to FPGA over WiFi.Serial break may be issued with ctrl-@ at start of telnet session.Serial break resets FPGArduino F32C CPU and enters bootloader,which can accept a hex or binary executable file.

virtual serial port:

sending ascii file over tcp. (executable compiled hex file).For serial break to enter bootloader before upload, firstchar of the file should be a null char (ascii 0 aka 0)

The pinout with standard TXD and RXD:

Alternate serial pinout can be defined at compile time:

PINnodemcuESP-12ESP-201wireTB276 10-pinTB299 14-pin
TXD0D10TXD or GPIO1TXorangeRXD 133RXD 94
RXD0D9RXD or GPIO3RXwhiteTXD 129TXD 97
GNDGPIO15 or NC101515k
VCCGPIO0 or NC10015k
VCCGPIO2 or NC10215k

Warning: Some ESP-12 modules and breakout boards have GPIO4 and GPIO5 swappedand wrong labeling for them. If it doesn't work, try swapping GPIO4 and GPIO5.See ESP8266 family pinouts:

Avoid connecting GPIO 0, 2, 15 (and 16 on some ESP) to target FPGA,as those pins need to be at some default state during first secondof power on for ESP8266 to boot firmware. If it doesn't boot,they need to be disconnected during first second of powering up the ESP8266.

TRST and SRST are reset signals usually used for ARM debugging.Most FPGA don't need them. LED may be left unconnected too.WiFi-JTAG board can be directly powered from JTAG connector.

We recommend ESP-12 or nodemcu as they have plenty of free GPIO.They need external usbserial to flash them, see next section 'Flashing'.

'nodemcu-devkit' board has onboard 3.3V serial over micro usb: but if TXD/RXD need to beused to communicate with FPGA then TXD must be GPIO15 and manuallydisconnected during power up.

ESP-201 works too. uploads f32c bitstream in half a minute.

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To flash firmware into ESP8266 connect 3.3V USBSERIAL adapter:

VCCredVCC 3.3V3.3V

Precompiled binary is available in bin/

Default SSID is 'jtag' and password '12345678'(without quotes), adapter will act as access point.

It has to be compiled to change SSID and PASSWORDand to select access point or client mode.

To compile from source you need ESP8266 Arduino.Download from and unpack arduino-1.6.5 or higher.Then add support for ESP8266

Here is the github project ESP8266 Arduino (stable, Jul 23, 2015),

Automatic installation using JSON is avaialblein File->Default Settings->Additional Boards Manager URLs enter:

Select pull down menu Tools->Board->Board Managerand instal ESP8266 (cca 30MB).Read more on

Serial capd

Select pull down menu Tools->Board->Board Manager and instal ESP8266 (cca 30MB).

If you have ESP-12 or old nodemcu,choose board 'Generic ESP8266 Module' or 'NodeMCU 0.9 (ESP-12)'.

If you have ESP-12E, ESP-201 or new nodemcu,choose board 'NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E)'

JTAG upload is slow because OpenOCD creates networktraffic with short packets of 1-3 bytes sending to andfrom WiFi-JTAG. Watch the traffic:

Switching direction from receive to transmit takes time1-300 ms.

Time uploading FPGArduino

Firmware is useable but not completely stable.After one JTAG TCP connection, it is goodto wait few seconds for the sockets to closeproperly before next connection.It may sometimes stop responding when just connectedto WiFi access point even if JTAG is not used.We recommend to power it on just before use.

There is much room for improvement of course: network protocolfrom OpenOCD could be optimized to allow longer packets, buffering,compression (instead of sending same sequence many times), use somehardware optimization in the ESP8266 like SPI as JTAG accelerator,or SVF player approach from JTAGWhisperer.

LUA version of the above does the same protocol but inpractice it will not work for longer transfers, onlyboundary scan. TCP disconnects within a minute.It is here just as a proof-of-concept.

Xilinx virtual cable in ESP nodemcu LUA

JTAG SVF player

Xilinx virtual cable

FT232R bitbang
