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Knowledge yang telah mengalami proses internalisation, kembali menjadi tacit knowledge, yang kemudian perlu diubah kembali menjadi explicit knowledge, demikianlah seterusnya. Melalui siklus ini, dari waktu ke waktu aset knowledge perusahaan akan semakin menjadi kaya dan berkembang. Arguments and are therefore merged in the same slot, i.e. Kampus mindeng nitah ka Maman1 sangkan PRO1/.2 jadi campus often. (1) Film bagus tuh horror kaya-nya. Ina berpikir bahwa Hasan sudah membeli mobil baru.

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Saiful Prayogi, Muhali Muhali, Ni Nyoman Sri Putu Verawati, Muhammad Asy'ari


Teachers’ role in teaching and learning processes as well as 21 century’s demands, prompted pre-service teachers’ education program to ensure that pre-service teachers will be able to train critical thinking skills to their respective students because critical thinking is an important skill needed by future learners. We developed Inquiry-Based Active Learning Model (ABI) which was implemented to 34 Physics pre-service teachers in one of Teacher Training Institution (LPTK) in Indonesia. The implemented learning model was able to increase critical thinking skills and decreased the number of pre-service teachers previously categorized in a less critical category. In overall, critical thinking skills enhancement after the implementation of ABI learning model is categorized as moderate. We concluded that to some extent, the developed ABI learning model enhanced physics pre-service teachers’ critical thinking skills.

Leave ItLeave It is a similar command to the No command and should also be delivered deep, sharp, and loud. Leave it should communicate to the Doberman puppy that what it’s barking at or reacting aggressively toward does not require such a response.When the Doberman puppy begins leaving the house he should be on a lead with a pinch collar. Basically, the pinch (choke) collar should always be held loose. If he barks or growls at other dogs, cats, or people the Leave It command should be given along with a quick snap of the pinch collar.In the next section, Basic Obedience Behaviors, we will explore proper use of the pinch collar. Doberman training schools. The difference is that it’s usually introduced later on in training during socialization.


inquiry-based learning; active learning; physics learning; pre-service physics teachers


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