Audio Cracking Tascam 144 Mk2 Drivers

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I am using Cubase LE 5.
Every time when I'm working on a project, the sound at the beginning is real fine.Audio Cracking Tascam 144 Mk2 Drivers

Audio Gear review of Tascam US 144 MK II Usb 2.0 Audio interface, by The J.Hexx Project. All voices were recorded and mixed using this device. Jailbait webcam. Recorded the v. Updated all usb drivers and most software/other drivers. When running the compatibility manager i did the install using the 'Test' step - not sure if thats a reason why it didn't work. Also i used the 2.02 driver. I am running a US 144 on a new pc that runs Windows 10 and uses an intell i3 skylake with a asrock mini motherboard.

But after a few minutes there is a sort of crypsy, metallic sound comming up.
It overtakes all the other sounds and after a few minutes it is disappearing again.
Until now I listen to the recordings only by a headphone.
It happens when I just listening to a project, but also during the recording of a new track.
Even when I am not recording, but just trying out some possibilities, this 'noise cloud' is comming over.
It's very annoying and it slows down my work on a project.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?
Many thanks!