Arkansas City Traveler (Newspaper) - August 5, 1954, Arkansas City, KansasCK'1^'TOMORROWWINDY.EIGHTY-THIRD YEARNUMBER 209SIXTEEN PAGESARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, THURSDAY', AUGUST 5, 1954SIXTEEN PAGESGIVE TO HOSPITAL AIR CONDITION FUND TODAYPrice in the City Se; Outride fieSen. Carlson Named To Committee—Kansan On Croup Probing M'CarthyB Johnson of Tex*#, Democratic floor loader, im id. without dtocloa-ins* tho names, thai his party** selections * ’nm men who arr xym-f, 'n ! r p«*t if*ti-rn. integrity andUtKlN*'*' « ITY'S OI TM MIK for Angust weather Is not .■sat Hi ant vacationland picture, hut tie- national weather maps I. IMW, pretmred tor tin' month, slum the *it> ill an nr*-n experting normal temperature* and licht rainfall—-both of which nill t. arkonif < liana** from til** <li**t of tin* past two month*.Tit** western half of the nation will atm suffer from link ofsufficient nim. Normal *>r alan** normal ruins are expected east Mi th* vtissi-si i ii, except for antinormal rains along the Atlanta seaboard, north of Virginia, This area will continue to getmoderate or st ant) rainfall.NEARWASHINGTON W Vice Fresh j Sen. Edwin C. Johnson <D-dcr«! Nixon today appointed a sis- Cob). c,„nni„ m.Miss)member Senate committee to 8en. John CStew*make an un* -nj ’ 1 f I While Nixon announced the ap-atiY t ((raider proposals -hat h* be > pron*#,-*. in** arn*! reruns judicial lrmoment Bn , 1 1 xx,*re made by party leader*. Johnson .aided:Sn! w. The Senate Democratic Policy •'Two of diem have had eminents,i; T'».ur v. v..w«. svrr sr2£ ST'JSu&_ R£Lcar.ssr>- Ihrsrtassrw t**-1 *e_90 Russian Arkansas City Subs Reported Weother NormalIn Far EastU. S. Commander Tell* of Threat To Sea Lane*TOKYO (ft The Kus un Navy may have as many as Mi subma-rir« s in th** Pacific area, Vice Adm. William Calin *h rn. commander of U.S naval forces In the Far East estimated today.“These submarine* definitely would tie a threat to maintaining tea linos of eornnnmi it ion.” said the tall, grey-haired admiral, whose job would be to fight ti in in the event of war with iii** So*viet <4SII Destroyer*“Russia has a total of TTF* submarines,' Callaghan said in an interview, “and We feel if would I* reasonable to • * ct that one-quar-, tar of them ai * in the Pacific.*' i He estimated the Russian Pacific fleet a Ko has 50 destroyers and two cruisers, ho' no aircraft carriers or battleships.'Submarines and air power are their greatest threat, an fat* as Soviet capability is concerned ,” Callaghan said Two weeks ago. Gen Earle E p.* Mid e, Far East Air Forces commander, said combined Soviet,Chinese and North K avail air forces had J 300 planes, mot*' *•» them RussianS3 DKMiens IP ad*Russian ground strength in the f ir East has been estimated at ta combat dtvisinr by a high-ranking officer oil it«i* staff of Gen.John J', Hull For East commanderCallaghan, the first * kipper of the famed battleship Missouri, is a veteran of both world wars, Ile I was in chai a* of the Mi it Ary Sea Ts .importation Service during tin K r« in ar.His present command int iud*** . the U.S. 7th Fleet, made up of desire*., rs, cruisers and aircraft I carriers, but presently no bittie-j ships. The 7th Kl* et is < barged with preventing a Chinese Red invasion of Formosa. Chinese Nationalist redoubt.('attaghan also is in charge of the Amphibious Force, West Pa rifle, made up of attack transports, cargo ships ant! landing craft. Ile also is in command of fleet activities in the Navy yards at Yokosuka and Sasebo. Japan, and Inchon and Pusan in Korea Four Carrier* On AlertAlthough there are no battleships m the Far I ast at present, there are four aircraft carriers!*Hie Boxer, Philippine Sea, Yorktown alw! Hornet The latter bree are doing service with the 1st Fleet in the South Pacific, The Boxer has been in Yokosuka undergoing rout in. r( pairs to the flight deck,Russian submarines, Callaghan said were operating from bases around Vladivostok and to the north“The weather would he against them operating from there northern bases during much of the year ’*He said that any submarine form cimid on!) P ep one third of its strength in operation.But thai one third the Russians have in die Pacific could blockSenate Okays Hike In Debt Limit CeilingWASHINGTON «I» — Th* Artiste Finance < <*mmltte«* voted today to lift temporarily *ix billion dollar* the present 275 billion dollar federal d**t*t celling.Tho decision wa* a partial victory for the Eisenhower administration, which last year ran Into a stone wall When it a*lied th** committee to boost the d bt limit by IS billion dollar*.< hair rn an Minikin (Ut alo I told newsmen that Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey asked a Hosed meeting of the commit I**e for a permanent. fixe hlllion-dollir In* rem*.*- In the debt telling pin* an in-rrense *.f another fix** billion dollars ontll dune SO. IO.'»•*»■ Instead th** committee approx * *1 a proposal bx Sen. tty rd (IM X.) I** permit an In* rease *>f -*iv billion dollars until fun.* SO of next year. ------------— O...Thousands Of Texans Will Abandon Landlf Searing Drought Continues, Exodus Is InevitableMystery Man Is Sought In Hills Near SilverdaleNORMALMUCHABOVInormal Atavi NORMAL HIAR NORMAL□ Bf LOW NORMALOMVCM •CLOW NORMALTempers!nm will be alone seasonal normal* In (be western 11, it <1 <it iii* nation and a1*** in th** Middle and North It lam ic state*. To * o **> below normal UKU*t I cot pere! it re* are the um>er Mississippi valley, Great lathe* region and along the Hull ro.tsi. « «uti ti Plain* area can took btrxxard to cooler weather than July's abnormal beal.Relired A. (. Farmer DiesE C Brook*. 76, died at Memorial Hospital at I IO a, rn I Thursday after a long illness. A retired farmer, he was reared at Burden and h;»«l farmed n< ar New- j kirk from IPI? to 1941 ii*’ ami his xxii** Ii,*i e lived in this city since 1952 at 109 S, Fourth bt,He was burn at Knoxville Term., July 5. 1878, to John N aud Ellen Et antis Brooks. I Ie came to Burden w.Pi his parents at the ag** (.1 3 whet* he gr* vv to manhood and w is a member of th*’ M< »hO-fli t Church He was married to: Blanche Ct aine Aug 3 19u2, atj ie Winfield. Th* coupl* left the farm at Newkirk in 1911 and lived a short time in Missouri. They return* d to Burden m 1944 when his health failed and came to this city-two y* ars ago.Survivors induct* his wit* of the horn* . two x**ns, Claud Brooks, Lancaster, Pa., and I .anan ne Brooks, Santa Crux, Cal ; tout...... ... daughters, Mrs, Frank Weber,sea lines bv prowling outside bar- Ponca City, Mrs. John Radcliff,'1432 N. First St, Mrs. E R.The WeatherIOHI CAST ARK ANS Xx « ii) VNO Al* INIIXParti) clon#} through I rM.*x Warm xml Simi, * ..I.** tutraing cool tonight .md I roto, l.ow l«Rl(k( bt nod-lB t, high tomorrox* in rn id-SS’*.K IX s Is: * iihMti* *s til# rihuStncMnorth wr-C psi ti? tbiatJv **axt .old tout h (hi* afternoon intl tonight; scattered iboxrrt or (bunder -hoxx* ‘Ut likely soda, and tonight; * unxiderabl**buntine— I rid,*) with ital if red th ewer* and ihgBdrrthawrrt Mostly vn-i and *n»t»th; cooler north**?*! and north i rn I rai Hu* alternxxui and turning rooter east and south lam today an* tonight; rimier east and multi fhur day; low tonight *>:> northwest to IS southeast; high friday in 'he IO* north WCC! to SO southeast,(IHI AHOMA Partly cloudy, hot and I humid thi* afternoon and tonight, ' shatter of xrattercd 11, and* * storms east; friday partly cloud?, scattered thunderstorm* rot and north turning tooler north friday; his tonight IS northwest to SU* east and south; high I tidal in the '.Kl* north to iud-IQS south.St UU CI P, VI.V extrrtiajr4psa. _____.103 ia.IU ... S2 I&p.rn, ... IGI IitxTO. ... HS. 6p-rn. ____loo ;6anu .... HJ7i>rn. ______. WI ’IIrn. ... 82 iI 8pnu _____. 938aTO. ... 84 !, Stprn. ... St9aTO,.. at! rntoarn.. stiiprn ... 88 illaIO. ... so jsaMuir i. ’- 87taNOOI) .. S3 ’IitHI ... SS :i;»rn .*- ss .: anu . ..84apTO,. 99 !■ ict.m ..- sa Iap.TO, ...un 'I ie. Th* Associated PresetFarm* cs sn*! ranchers ara glum and dispirited in iii*' vast drought* ountry where corn an't cotton droop and cattle graze cm brown pastures.“Unless Ave assist in every possible way,** says Agriculture < ‘Turn is* loner John White of Texas, 'thousands of our rural pet t! will have to abandon the land.*’White speaks for only one stale But drought still rules all the great plains, in spite of rec* nt rains and fetter a I aid already granted to six vt ate*Not Enough RainGood i ains in *un-bui red sections f»f the South and I st have ! been more helpful- --but ne. enough I to save roost crop*.Hera is what nu ti ax ho live or the scar***! lait I throughout tin dis ;J aster areas say:j Ont.- a lot more rain, and then ! still more, can fit ally I.* at the I drought ami save them and when that happy day will arrive is in impossible guess Meanwhile, they I need federal help to hang on — and. they grumble, ti.* y aren t gt t-i ting enough.Don’t Ex pm t Dole “I «lon'*. think they're expecting a 'dole',*’ White said “For the• - ike of our ecorton ic future, we i ave to help the little farmer arri rancher stay on the farm We can tI help them if they are fort id to drift into the cities to seek payment.”T!ie mtmbt r of states eligibl* federal aid reached six this a v* >;* n Oklahoma* anti Missouri were added ti* Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and Texas.Six more state* — Alabama, Arkansas, K a n s a s, Kentucky Georgia and Tennessee — have asked to b** in* I ided Nom** Belief Still, as of J*riay. the situation a pears slightly better than i« was Sn day* ago, when nothing but heat soaked the count!*] from Georgia to Wyoming and Canada to Mexico.Since then, spotted rains have raised dabs *«f green in some of Turn to Page Ttllttce*Coo! Front Into KansasA mystery “wild man * sprang I into being in the hills three miles j cast of Silverdale late Wtrines* , day night, thm disappeared a* quickly as he had arisen after J frightening three men exercising their dogs.Police and county officials in Arkansas City were called into! the case at 10:30 pm.Warren Rice, 16. Silverdale, ac- j companied by two companions, t gave his story ! <> the officers.Running his dogs approximal *- j Iv three mile* east ut Silverdale :J along a side road. Rice went into I I a field where Bi*' animals had treed a possum, A few moments ! later la was on hts way back to the road with all haste possible. IA man I I jumped at him from (! behind a bush, uttering some un- I int. Higibte cry at tho same time. j I The mystery matt was (Scribed is having king hair which huns; J I to his shoulders and flowed in ’Ii*' aa trill as he jumped He was 1 thought to be nude • xc*-pt for . something white which was wrap* . ped about his waist.Rice and his companion lost no j tim* in getting to a tell phone.Chiel of Police Paul Beth, Ut, Marvin Hatfield, Deputy Sheriff 1 • Charles Kee ns and Highway Pa- ; trol Troopers Bob Hazlett ami i • *-* r Koch all hastened to the scene.Upon arriving, the officers found a group of farmers sitting I ill their autos and wanting.Using flashlights and lanterns, the party st arched until 3 a rn. Thursday but found not a trace of the mystery man.lash said the “wild man” had herb rep irted from lh*, same gen-* al arca approximately 30 days ago hut in the earlier situation had made no move to attack any*Ail Hi I XI IMH I Ii 11 I EH 111 TRI i I*road is -!»■ >xsti hctttn halt 1***1 Ilir*m*li Hie Mraei* **f INhIr*' Mix tiuiMtttn xx her** it as ill I* oft *ti-pi«x at**»»R »xi«h rails a and !>■*< da) a el ti. Slid xx * -1 lh.* ... Is al Inst! st. ami sox .rod Ave.»t raft* were lilied xxiii, sand aud **»xere*t ss ii is planks t*» ***lirr «tie. *• ' .Homes Near Distillery Would Co Like Dominoes ■•sir I ne. donated Ly the **,*snla Fe ra!i-,ut it* ssrtx ti* I he lh»xt 11*11raminint'-nt of the rtfs-marin# Is,-pc-*»N»n* and slips lit Iii# smooth ride for the old “iron (ll* % irs photo)Tomes i vt? ut i/uiiiici jr ttuv.x* wa# - -----Evacuate Homes As New Blasts FearedoneWarren Rice, 16, cunts ted by Trawler reporter at Silverdale 'hat - lay, nab emphatic a I .oui hisrieht! m-for e< kboi^.~o-St .Meeks, LaPorte, Tex., and Mrs. J Dewey Bii/il, 116 E Washington J Ava.; 9 grandchddr* n and ll great {■grandchildren; two brothers, ll,! Brooks, Wichita and W A. Brooks, Burden; two sisters, Mrs.] Roy Harris, Blackwell and Mrs I Ray Walton, Ponca City He was pi. cfsi* d in death, by an infant son , and a daughtt r, Mrs Ruth Br* st.*n who died sri 1925.Temperatures remained on the Services will be at IO a m Sat-warm side through Wednesday j unlay at the Oldroyd-Erdman night and needed the influence of chapel With the Rev. Paul A a brief shower at 7 15 am. Thu is- I(ant la officiating. Burial will heHI*.iii Al AMI I OW I ATHltto*-.! !**ttt(**.r*lur? for ttd» *l*le taJI ,• ,.r», ins >1. -t. * x ta IMH. la.wrxt, SS ta 194*.Shower Falls To Drop More Than TraceNAI IOX X WM ATH! H(By The .%xx<*< laird I’tei)I* s >x rat her <.t,#rvatioitx for ho.irx i ii ft. KR a. S IO a in Stat M*n Al4*, N D ______ TS SS< hi. .XKI* ... *2 *911? aver .._____... a* *Ji ti mon ten st SSii.ri worts ie: iell .xrr, Mont ..----*.** SSKANv-x I ITV IBI TITOP KH A >W break in Kamas’ latest heat wave is in prospect for Friday, the weath. r bureau said today.A cool front moving down from ii;.' north is siheduted to spr»*jd over the entire state by tomorrow.Ii already had brought relief to northwest Kansas this niornlng __ At 9:30 a.m. Goodland had a .es temperature of only < * th gr« ■ In eastern Kansas readings were M as much as 25 degrees higher al lo that hour.'I thou ;ht ” Rice said, 'I would rifiei be afraid of anything but ll s was dits.-r* nt.”Richard I -dkenberg, 40, crane . ,I, t ator and J o h n Speightfc, quarry worker. w« rt equally emphatic j bout tit*' tense they heard.Klee said the dog* had treed down along (irmn?I'reek and be went down aion. to bring them t>a*k up on the road. I* he approach # <i the dog*, an “apparition'I, ap. • out al him with both ami* waving wildly* it the sam* time, til. noise* tat. r de** riht il bv I .ilkrlibers a** “hioodeurdling’% were emitted.The noises. Iii* > said sounded something like an ow! w uh a scream at the *-nd. The figural had wild matted hair extending out about hts head and reaching down to his should, is. 1 inly a white cloth covering 11 »** lower • portions os his tx»dy could tx* seen, j The waving arms brush, d Rio * should* r on*'* and, “I was a mile up th. creek bank and travelling t J fastV lien Rice got back up to hi* partners, h* ttdd them what hi*.I happened and asked them to bring their one flashlight back i for a look along the creek.Th.* trio went back to the spot but eoiiltl sen nothing until • alkent>erg happened («» flash the benin a short distune <• away Ile caught a glimpse of th** 'wild man' dashing into a I hi* ix**t and just then the head bdl off hi* flashlight. Th* three left for the read,Once hack at their aaan with tile dogs, the th ive drove ba* k and forth Vera I timer then went to the nearby home of Matt Chad-well.Ch.ndwell, who works in A. kansas City was .absent, NI; s. Chad-I well .'.n't her three daughters i were at the faun home alone. They g* * into an auto and came into the city to call officials.Pl NIN. Ill un — Homes were ' evacuated today near a distill* i y fire and civil workers were summoned for fear new blasts might knock <n. r other storage build inns * bb** dominoes ’*I ira fighters were ordered back from a flaming whisky rackhouse of ih*> American iJixutltog Co, I cause of the possibility thai a new x* re of alcohol might ignite atv explode. H Al;iv it* !»■ »dIranian Oil To Flow AgainEight Big W®»NrnCompanies Announce Broad AgreementT ight I killed. O'dead, sc feared d« were injut fires sine* The th! spread pi ampPma-4 UJ, and i , n two i Wt d»M sd;i’ th it fami touch c I Pekin air iv!) def*!ULIhave 'beenXX IS Hts. .VV Iilissmg and ire ihan J*1plosions and i mot mng • fire might new blasts aid warden*TFI iRAN. Tilf) Reprrota-gem a from. aie firednpMass Murder24ma.TOPEKA i?v—fc.rnahs trac-fl«- fatnhti*-* llmt**! by the Mate accident r*-*or(l* aec-ti< ut IIn the la*t 'St hour*—0Tm date In IWM—306 Name period I SSS—35©to ask alie r» ady to t. r . t for cm action.Many civil defense workers Pekin ami nearby * inmunifi ready r* ix>rtod for duty at th scene,I IP,OOO Barrel', bailSome I IO.(JOU barrels cd whisky---the equivalent of 17.725,-000 fifth .*! a ga Hen bottles have been destroyed Ibis loss, plus the plant and equipment destruction, vent th*> .'st of the fire high into the millions of dollarsThe section of the plant burning this morning, Rackhouse E. is only To feet from a building containing 800,000 gallons of alcohol.Tie- danger arca was roped off,Firemen were pulled back from the front firebnes for fear that the alcohol ti-.-.') ! expkrie and dernoU iih the entire area half mil*- away ti nm the burning rackhouse is the huge works *.i the <lorn Products R> fining » *'Th*1 < lux. ■ * buildings cd the dis tillery atri Hie refining plant arc leu ihan a city block apart A rn e r i c a n 11 rilling Liquor1 brands n e n.itionallv distributed ; Rs h<-* known provi ict is Guck-xii;* imer The continuing fire, capped by a .Ut rating, night-time atomic-liirt' expkwion seen 7» miles away, de J strove*! murh of the company's sprawling plnnt facilities in ttihi central Illinois ci’vHoof Lifted I The explosion last night lifted Oil (o fh# toed and walls of th# com- j Amel I pany s rackhouse — a six story i br ii k building high toto the air,The debris rained down on firemen arid plant workers fighting to; halt th# fierce whisky-fed bl***' touched off ll hour' earlier during j a m vete 1 Ie* trio .I Mot nThe hi irks buried two fir#I trucks and a fire chief's car.fives of * ight bigW« sh rn ml *pa nil s and tim lranlan governtnett! Iannounced bro* tas rcement itto ti iu t Iran sfrozen oil lr(dll#- ;try*. Th* y said thry Mn ! to hxhiivntng at It as* s<>mc of th*5 oi l:b un in about two nonths.t ?n«l* a the avncement snnouneed Isimultaneously in Tehran andI i rn- jdon J'1* * iit> * * ‘irn panics as aeon- isen Hum *x ill *ipcrnte themm IAb idan s • fin* rynod the sumillfiA? Img oil lichis. Iy, v xx ill Inlyoil output from!• ,n and willI gl •the productionabroad Iranwilt ! retain title to 1he fields aikI liltrefining fadUric*.Settlement ofth? ti ree-y cai• dip (lomatic battle xxI ? a mw nu h > *'lin <tjoin? st a’em* nt :by Iranian FUMulish r Ah Amini srnd I!-A* i • 4 I II Rag# of Stand ft:rd Oil rn N- w- .h r-!spy, chairmanfor the oil , iiiof the negotTil* it alatern*Tit (I - I O' ’ dotstil thej I ate of pay moirf :■> Iran txit informed sourcesrn dd it wa* v iI Iv the same :*<i kl split thatI pre-, V ait*, ch,(*vvborein tiw MiddleV 'KlAmini and PI thatIran, throughdirect oil revenueI find taxes, gut 420 rniliton. [ {foilat a (hiring •t first threev eat *of the art angoIU,-Ut The estflmateJ fur the third year. more thtOI int, million w tori< r than Iran*g pre-naf it mal ira t ionoil revenue., The agrecfiM•nt xv:ii runfor 25Odds end Ends_When rite Walter Well* family, Heft itxx. -t Mf the Hi), RMA ell Ie*. L intl* the l»rtU*M I,. Sleep AA « >!ti. **tex iller AleeptriR In the yard a* x • et week*, ll xx** beretta* th. x teared * atoiw*f. tint b • i t it am th* a *nth lpi>(> J any danger , , . Thursday roof#*illR. just be*lit* I hr- *1*1xx hi re the I. >t bad h. n, AA *11*. tnve*tlg«tInc a pm* (tar noise, found a th rec-toot tong r att leva*). ** , , . ti xx a* promptly ill-i xii h* .1 w ilt a fthotRtin by Vt >11* aint bt* brother ta Jaw, Albert ft*- t.‘h, .. Ii I* the only rant* r that ba* tre.-ii soc# In that neigh-l„.rh...I for manx; x. ar*.Officers Close Inlf NYS PTyro prison!ca V*ho< scape*t fromth,- ©mintyail Ii-reye Stetxlay has■I* I- * n localcd n<*rRuth 1’enterK u», and itat# *Ict mit t v(iii thebt are report pair,I clI s-Thet wo Iinstincts, Gcorge!Below44,Butte, Mot?, a. IFrancs• P Standem, ca {Mdfront *he tx*,qty Jail Iv< stS'day aff* r th*V :{t firdcrtdiiff Bi radioI King equi #iand wrapt >d cari rnIXivxiimen werer> parJcantutod bv.*» I a mn * r rear !I <,%%»I, K asdud mearlier 1 » escaping for* ,xv IcmdI me itflee th, v had I*nbroos ' pointt inkN,( fiUtCroaae irther 4#t«Qat ga#*toe: seconI carap0 has been1 lurlo:* I,foe thoRural Students Enroll For Junior High SchoolAll Slut•ms fti.Is whUMStyy i'a is, xx j th pi1 .v r* ions j year * • :*•(•.• .• ins.The *■(,•! it com: * fib fl making up rural the consortium are Britain's Am:- * t« ndIranian wh.*« h <t.v. I (h-J and et .or- ! *. Iiabd ban's Inmsiry ak ham until ex sin Premier Mof*'»mm.<l Mo saJev'ft nati* nth.'.-1 Its hold in x in 1951 i ‘ New Jersey, ' ’ md it I of CnlifnRtl#» ’he Texns ( “» (* dfand Soenny Vacuum, all j will bi of«-n dad) ft i; p. .a a1 I hill I) Shell and j to I p. m except Sa fur ’Compagnie Franchise de p. t rales 'the cit wing fi-iur is noonA ■ Wanan Cud duringshould arrange '■ ’ r! Aug 6 through Auf I canto, diplomes *.r . ’mil should !-*■ ie OilI rolling Th# JuniorXT.c«-t !juniorhigh ■rn '<higha rn, w - nday to make si degrees.The shower, which lasted cml) a minute, dropp«ri but a trace of moisture as scattered clou*Is moved over the city.Later in the morning, light cloud banks covered the sky and occasional drops of moisture fell.Temperatures, however, continued to climb with the added humidity as an uncomfortable factor.------------------0----------------Set For Arkalalah!The No. I Boat for thisyear’s Arkalalah wa* entered today at the < handier of(itmmnrt* Office, It will be a big ilexlgn made by the kansan t.a* aud Electric Lu*at the Newkirk cemetery, Arrangements are in ti • hands of < Hdroyd-Enlman. funeral directors.Fire Department Answers Two Calls WednesdayCo/one/'s Order Brings Howls Of Protest—Army Wives In Germany Told To Put On ClothesState Loses Suit To Recover MoneyPatient» Would Recover Paster—Air Conditioning To Hike Hospital RevenueAir conditioning a*An auto fire and a blare Ipvolv : ..... .ing old lumber and railroad tics today as the wrath of a thousandFRANKFURT, Germany UP — A jean women is not in good taste,*' uaf# who distinguished himself j” upheld a demurrer by the Ancient battle-scarred U S. Army colonel j and warned that if they didn’t do the African campaign in »or Id ; ()rlp.r of United Workmen, defen ducked behind his combat ribbons something about it “positive ac- War ii. said some women w. i*TOPEKA cfi Affy, Gen Ha told , i OSj,iui tt,n m,t only contnbut* ll, ) aller ha* l«t bis 1 to the comfort of patients am!OTI suit to recover *^e Larking personnel, hut will rn-I i * * I .I .x.B Wetxicv I crease iii*- revenue of the hospital.U h., Walter S, Chapman, admin-’i I,*'riot ' Judge ' Beryl John* >« I ‘I *1^ jf j ' ^sent At kansas City firemen out on ive., calls Wedru sday afternoon The vehicle, owned by Arthur Greenshaw. caught fire from a short in wiring at 8 20 p. rn nearAmerican women poured down on him,“I had no idea it would cause such a fuss,” smiled Col. John H. Dilley, commander of the Frank-tho intersection of Central Ave, furt detachmi*nt. who issued an order advising Army wives and daughters here to spruce up andtia#' would be taken.Outlawed were:Bare-back, halter-type sunsuits worn without a jacket or wrap-Bare mid-riff costumes; and First StBurning trash was listed as : source of a fire which spread to tone down their dress. told lumber anti tie* at the Bay* Not In Good Tastejunk >ard, 700 S. Third St., at 9 His directive said “the attire be-p. rn. I ing worn rn public by some Amen-1Strapless, low-cut dresses 'ex- the commissary to buy groceries cent in clubs or at social lune- Novi I cant. I have two kids md pons), I lHrep house I can t * bange clothesShorts on teen-agers rn- women every time I want to go out of the Blue jeans on “mature women ’ i house.Pm curlers, unless neatly cov- j Another said slott’Iv ' eml “Our fix ( durn is tieing viirca*Th# colonel, a Watt Point grad-1 ened. ‘. I dan! in the suit, on the groundsgoing to and from the I oat i v j,-at/l,r „ pftttion did not have sui* changa kinking awful. j ficient merit.On.’ of the women who ukes ber J _ .. 0 ,T,...,—.L« vis said • [ used to wear blue jeans toLate Bulletins< AMU HR V. Att*!rail* k—Prune Minister flub, rf 'U ntie# t Mitt mitt **t! Lust rail* tonight lo fixe inilltiirx support to the pruptured Southeast Asia Deft ii** Alliance—KI Alt).contributions to cornin.’ in.Patients, by bring In a more comfortable temperature, xviii recover mon quickly and are apt to receive more satisfactory nursing service from jr-raowei working sn an airconditioned atmosphere pollen-free and dust-free air ut the hospital will Fe a boon to patients with respiratory ailments, said Chapman; and the entire hospital will be cleaner when all windows and doors are kept clo*-! kb led.Memorial# “With the only air conditioned hospital in rid* area, we ara bound to draw patients who would otherwise go to other hospitals,' he said * Aneth* r advantage will be found in leveling the toad of surgery patients who, facing <> >-eratkms or treattneiit for chronic diseases, can und- rgo them » slimmer rather than wait nu' un* d c*».I weather As it is now, th#suRunn ■#•> in is light, with a j» ak load falling in the fall it I winter.a full hosp.1 ii xx in bring in more revere;, cause more crop twin*-nt III the vinous departments nod bring more money Into the city, This increased ravenu# would l imunat# the n re - -tty ot usxng tax money to in* t a deficit in tiw up* ration of tile institution, he xivUivxi,
Karaba y et al.: performance testing of an optical ground wire composite Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 47 (2013) 1, 119–124 123 Figure 12: a) Lightning arc, b) view.
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